Returning to Food Prep Sundays

Happy Sunday All!
So for well over a year I have been feeling horrible with a chronic throat, sinus and GERD problem. I have tried everything and while waiting to see a specialist, I became sick enough that going to the gym and my usual routine of trying to eat well and prepping food for the week on Sundays ceased to happen. So this is me, getting back in the game and improving my eating habits which had rapidly declined with my health. As GERD is part of the problem, I consulted medical professionals and have started an elimination diet. So for the next few months, my diet will not be the same as I remove items from my diet and reintroduce them. Anyways these conversation gave me the motivation to get back to my Sunday food prep and I thought I would share it with you. I started small this week and prepped the following:
-some plain quinoa to have with steamed veggies
-chopped carrots
-Squash and Apple soup:
*The soup was pretty good but would be even better with a little goat cheese sprinkled on it or a little herb boursin cheese.
-Quinoa breakfast bars:
*I use a little less honey then her or I like to use the cinnamon honey 
**I make smoothies in the morning so I like these in the afternoon with some tea to beat afternoon cravings
-hard boiled eggs. 
Looking forward to eating better this week.

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